four ems students practicing backboarding

Healthcare Pathways Advising

Majors in this Pathway

Degree pathways include: Allied Health, Community Health Bachelors, DMS (Ultrasound), EMT, Health Information Technology, Health Information Management Bachelors, Invasive Cardio Therapy, Nursing, Pre-Nursing, Nursing Assistant, Paramedic, Nuclear Medicine, Radiology, Respiratory Therapy, Medical Billing, Medical Scribe, HIM, Pre-Medicine (includes Pre-Dental, Pre-Occupational Therapy, Pre-Physician Assistant, Pre-Physical Therapy, and Pre-Vet) [should see SEM Advisors]


Healthcare Pathways Advising Sessions

Need to connect with Advising? Individual advising appointments may be limiited. Sign up for an advising session to get help with spring 2025 classes.

Connect with an Advisor!

Contact an advisor by booking a direct, one-on-one Zoom appointment with them! You may also reach out to an advisor by sending them an email.

health icon Samantha Olson

Advises Healthcare students last name:


Book an Appointment

Health iconKarla Moses

Advises Healthcare students last name:


Book an Appointment

Health iconSarely Mercado-Sanchez

Advises Healthcare students last name:


Book an Appointment


Health iconAndrea Carcamo

NOTE: Andrea Carcamo has accepted a new position with TCC and is no longer advising in the healthcare pathway. Students last name I-K please see Steve Fontana.

Health iconSteve Fontana

Advises Healthcare students last name:


Book an Appointment

Health iconErica Lebens-Englund

NOTE: Erica Lebens-Englund has accepted a new position outside the college and is no longer advising in the healthcare pathway.

Students last name L:  please see Steve Fontana

Students last name M:  please see Karla Moses

Students last name N,O:  please see Sarely Mercado


Health iconMaximillian Trujillo

Advises Healthcare students last name:


Book an Appointment

Health iconRyan Gallagher

Advises Healthcare students last name:


Book an Appointment

Health iconAlina Cordova

Advises Healthcare students last name:


Book an Appointment


Advising Holds - Frequently Asked Questions

What is an Advising Hold?

The Advising Hold prevents students from registering for next quarter classes until a student connects with an Academic Advisor to confirm their class schedule and check in on their educational progress. The Advisor will then remove the Advising Hold and students can proceed to register for classes once their registration date/time has come (for your specific registration time please access the ctcLink student homepage > manage classes > enrollment date).

Why do I have an Advising Hold?

All new credential seeking students are required to connect with their Academic Advisor or any available Advisor in their degree pathway each quarter until you have completed 30 college credits and have created an educational plan.

How do I get the Advising Hold lifted?

You can get the Advising Hold lifted several ways.  Schedule an advising appointment with your advisor to discuss your class schedule and confirm your educational plan.  Email your advisor to check in and confirm your classes, update your plans and let them know how you are doing.  Come to Drop In Advising and connect with any available advisor.  Your Advising Hold can be lifted by any available advisor.  Give the Advising Center a call at 253-566-6091 or email us at

Winter Quarter Academic Advising Hours

Hours of Operation


Building 7, Advising Center

In-Person Drop-In Advising

Tuesdays 9-10:30am and 2:30-4pm
Wednesdays 9-10:30am and 2:30-4pm

Building 7, Advising Center

Online Drop-In Advising

Tuesdays 9-10:30am and 2:30-4pm
Wednesdays 9-10:30am and 2:30-4pm

Join Zoom Meeting*
To dial by phone, call 253-215-8782 and enter the Meeting ID: 881 182 0140

*Please note Zoom online drop in advising sessions will lock 15 minutes prior to the end of the session and no additional participants will be admitted.

Drop-in Advising sessions are designed to help with quick questions such as:

  • Class registration questions
  • General and what-if questions about enrollment and registration
  • Degree requirement questions
  • One-quarter plans
  • ctcLink questions
  • Student resource questions
  • Personal questions affecting academic success

Drop-in Advising is not intended for creating full education plans or addressing in-depth academic or personal concerns. If your needs go beyond what drop-in advising can offer, our advisors will assist you as much as possible and guide you on scheduling an appointment with your designated academic advisor, as well as connect you to other TCC resources as needed.

Contact Us!

 Contact Advising with any questions - we're here to help!


If emailing, please be sure to include: your full name, your Student ID/ctcLink ID Number, and the program or area of study that you are interested in so we can best assist you.

Phone: 253-566-6091

Hours: Monday - Friday, 8am - 5pm

Location: Building 7, Advising Center